Deficiency of progesterone causes:
- Anxiety, Depression, Irritability, Mood swings, Insomnia, Nervousness
- Migraine headache before cycle Weight gain
- Pain and inflammation, Hypersensitivity
- Excessive menstruation
- Decreased HDL
- Osteoporosis
- Decreased libido
Causes of Low Progesterone
- Deficiency of vitamins A, B6, C, zinc
- Sugar
- Saturated fat
- Impaired production
- Low LH
- Increased prolactin production
- Stress
- Antidepressants
- Excessive arginine consumption
Natural Progesterone Affects Not Seen with Progestins
Synthetic Progesterone: Called progestins Progestins do not reproduce the same actions of natural progesterone
Natural Progesterone Affects Not Seen with Progestins
- Helps balance estrogen
- Leaves the body quickly
- Improves sleep
- Natural calming effect
- Lowers high blood pressure, Lower cholesterol
- Helps the body use and eliminate fats
- May protect against breast cancer
- Increases scalp hair
- Helps balance fluid in the cells
- Increases the beneficial effects of estrogen on blood vessel
- Increases metabolic rate
- Natural diuretic
- Natural antidepressant
- Is anti-inflammatory
- Stimulates the production of new bone
- Enhances the action of thyroid hormones
- Improves libido
- Helps restore proper cell oxygen levels
- Induces conversion of E1 to the inactive E1S form
- Promotes Th2 immunity
- Is neuroprotective, promoting myelination