A 55 year old patient was seen for dizziness and no energy. The patient sleeps about 10 hours a day and still feels tired. The patient was examined by Dr. Jain and also found out that the patient is in emotional shock because the patient just lost her son. Dr. Jain did the blood tests and EKG to make sure that the patient was not having any silent heart attacks. EKG and blood tests are normal.
Dr. Jain advised the patient to come to Dr. Jain’s Indian function Navratri where people dance in front of the Goddess to praise the Goddess in the month of September or October every Year.
Dr. Jain proudly told her that she is doing that function for 9 days in her own clinic and dressing up to the stick dance dandiya for the Goddess. The patient was very excited and accepted the invitation.
Patient joined the celebration of Dr. Jain in the evening and felt very joyful and will come back again. Dr. Jain showed the dandiya dance to her and she participated in the program by doing devotional dandiya dance.

September 27, 2014
Watch this high energy video and see what it does to your health and see if can make you happy and do anti-aging for you.