A 35 year old patient was seen by Dr. Jain who is an expert in anti-aging and natural medicine. The patient was unable to sleep, The patient will be tired all the time and difficulty functioning at work. The patient tried different home remedies but did not work. Dr. Jain ordered the lab tests which were normal. The patient was to take melatonin 3 mg and to increase the melatonin to 5 mg if necessary. The patient was also advised to take holy basal in the evening. The patient responded well to the treatment. He was actually able to sleep and did not wake up tired. His energy was back to normal and he was able to function. Natural and alternative treatment can be very useful and the treatment with the traditional drugs can be avoided.
Melatonin has many benefits:
- Aids the immune system
- Acts as a antioxidant
- Decreases cortisol levels
- Helps balance the stress response
- Helps improve mood
- Improve sleep quality
- Stimulates the production of growth hormone
- Helps prevent cancer
- Helps the release of sex hormones
- Nocturnal serum melatonin protective effects against ventricular arrhythmia and fibrillation
- Also blocks estrogen from binding to receptor site