Natural & Alternative Care Cold Walk in Clinic Orlanndo

A 35 year old patient was seen for the natural boost to the immune system to prevent cold and cough. The patient had few episodes of cold and cough and wanted to prevent the sickness by boosting the immune system.

Dr. Jain who is an expert in treating the diseases but also is an expert in giving the advise about preventing the sicknesses. Dr. Jain did the score for antioxidant which was very low-19,000 and the patient was given G3 juice to boosts the immune system. The juice has lycopene, Betacarotene, Zeaxanthanin, vitamin C and Lipocarotene.



Natural & Alternative Care, Immune Boost,Anti-Aging center Orlanndo,natural boost to the immune system,prevent cold and cough,prevent the sickness,boosting the immune system,Dr. Jain, preventing the sicknesses,antioxidant score,G3 juice to boosts the immune system,lycopene,Betacarotene,Zeaxanthanin,vitamin C, Lipocarotene.

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