Dr. Usha Jain is an expert in treating the emergencies which may be upper respiratory infections or even the chest pain. Dr. Jain is a medical doctor and also specializes in Anti-Aging medicine. Dr. Usha Jain treats the patient with integration of natural medicine with the traditional medicine.
Dr. Jain saw a patient at her medical center for the complaint of tiredness. The patient has been perimenopausal and has been bleeding excessively during her periods which were irregular. The patient has been healthy and do not take any other medications. The patient is not depressed.
On examination Dr. Jain found the patient to be obese and feeling good otherwise. Physical exam of the patient was unremarkable.
Dr. Jain ordered blood tests for CBC, chemistry profile, thyroid test and a hormone panel.
The patient had low levels of the hormone and was treated with the bio-identical hormone, cream which contained estrogen and progesterone. The patient felt remarkable improvement in the energy in three weeks and tiredness was almost gone.
Dr. Usha Jain,emergencies,upper respiratory infections,chest pain,medical doctor,Anti-Aging medicine,Usha Jain,integration of natural medicine with the traditional medicine,dr. Jain,medical center,complaint of tiredness,perimenopausal,bleeding excessively, depressed,obese,CBC,chemistry profile,thyroid test,hormone panel,low levels of the hormone,cream estrogen and progesterone,bio-identical hormone